
Discount Trademark Tools 75-20410 Self-Loading Utility Knife with 10 #60 Blades For Sale

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Trademark Tools 75-20410 Self-Loading Utility Knife with 10 #60 Blades Features

  • Segmented, snap off blades
  • Pocket clip
  • Durable plastic handle with rubber grip
  • Knife holds 10 #60 blades (included)
  • Spare blades automatically load when current blade is exhausted

Trademark Tools 75-20410 Self-Loading Utility Knife with 10 #60 Blades Overview

This knife is unique in that it has nine additional blades loaded into the handle that self-load. When one blade is expired simply push it out the end of the tool pull back on the slide and reload the next blade then slide it forward again.Features include:Segmented snap off bladesPocket clipDurable plastic handle with rubber gripKnife holds 10 #60 blades (included)Spare blades automatically load when current blade is exhaustedDimensions: 6.375 x 1 x 1.75 inchesIncludes retail packaging

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